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How COVID-19 Has Impacted Sectors of Technology and Computer Science

It’s safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt by businesses all across the globe. It has hurt some and it has provided others with the opportunity to expand dramatically. Most importantly, COVID-19 has had a notable impact on businesses that specialize in technology and computer sciences. It is important to understand how the pandemic has affected these sectors considering we rely on technology and services of computer science more and more every day. In a positive sense, it has provided businesses, such as Marble Computer, with the opportunity to optimize technical functions in everyday obligations. We’re here to discuss the specifics regarding COVID-19’s effects on businesses like ours. 

Hardware and Software 

Although the supply of new hardware products is slowing down, this time in history has provided software and programming to grow extensively. We have witnessed a decrease in hardware products due to supply chain constraints. With that being said, companies that were able to work remotely before the pandemic are in high demand. Security software has been popularly requested by several business clients. It is obvious that prices for security software will increase and so will spending on these products. Furthermore, organizations are finding more and more value in securing endpoints, cloud-based tools, log management, and VPNs. 

IT Services

Similar to computer software companies, IT services and businesses are experiencing demands. IT spending is estimated to grow due to the need to invest in cloud infrastructure services and the installation of specialized software. We have already seen a large increase in telecommunication equipment and services as organizations feel compelled to further encourage interaction with employees and students as they operate from home.

Thanks to enhanced remote work scenarios, IT departments are expected to play a larger role in BCPs (business continuity plans) and will need help from software and programming experts in order to procure devices that obtain the necessary functions, languages, and security to function as desired. 

Lastly, IT services are given the responsibility of enhancing faster access to data and automation in order to allow businesses to rely on network and communication equipment at a speed like never before. This can speed up 5G network deployments and the adoption of 5G equipment overall. 

Network Equipment 

Network equipment, such as teleconferencing software, is increasing as more and more computer software and technology companies encourage employees to telecommute. This provides potential benefits for companies who already have these products deployed. It is important to consider that, similar to internet technology and products, faster access to data and automation allows people to keep consistency with their work and day-to-day work obligation. Network equipment is heavily relied on in order to curate communications that are fast, reliable, and deploy information at a rate that benefits businesses, customers, employees, and employers everywhere. 

The Effects on Employees and Company Teams

Computer software business and IT services are able to work remotely, despite what may be happening on a global scale. The dependability of these businesses has become a strain for some, however. Developers and professionals have been able to focus more and have been able to provide customers with the digital transformation they need to help their businesses thrive. However, some respondents have encountered several difficulties in the attempt to apply applications, software, and automation for businesses and clients in need. Overall, the transition to working from home has benefited software teams more than it has hurt them. It has provided them with opportunities to comprise new software strategies, thus accelerating many businesses. 

How to Move Forward

We can learn plenty about those who work in computer software, programming, and sectors of technology, especially as we witness how they can manage their services during a global crisis. Businesses with these focuses are expected to drive technology and computer product adoption to encourage innovation and to support the “future of†scenarios. Additionally, these companies plan to understand the supply and demand during the pandemic in order to develop more intricate inventory strategies. Lastly, businesses such as us intend on implementing a digitally-enabled future full of work tools that support business processing, automating, and back-office functions. 

Contact Marble Computer for Optimization, Migration, and More 

At Marble Computer, our purpose is to allow businesses to thrive with the help of application optimization, implementing computer languages, and much more. Contact us today to learn more about how your business can benefit from the migration and COBOL 6.2 services at Marble Computer.