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Control/DCD for Cobol Maintenance

Control/DCD is the latest version of the DCD Data Correlation and Document product. Control/DCD provides both online and batch capabilities. This useful addition is the all-in-one product for managing individual COBOL programs, JCL, Copybooks, and as well as all COBOL applications. Control/DCD utilizes ISPF’s find command feature to call macros that do deep analysis on a COBOL program. This makes your average programmer more productive when making program fixes or changes. Control/DCD can reduce the mean-time-to-repair from hours into minutes.

Why Control/DCD is Necessary

Managing a legacy modernization project for mainframe applications has become a difficult task. The shortage of experienced mainframe talent has left organizations with limited choice, forcing them to offshore or farm out the maintenance of legacy application code to programmers who probably have little knowledge regarding the application’s logic or its business rules. Legacy modernization projects thrive on COBOL talent whether in the U.S. or offshore. The shortage of Mainframe z/OS talent becomes a serious threat to these organizations that are heavily invested in the Mainframe and are also planning to rejuvenate code or migrate it to another platform. 

Through Marble Computer, there is an alternative way of addressing this problem. We can implement an Intelligent COBOL Code Analyzer into the legacy modernization process with Control/DCD. Control/DCD is the latest in a line of major releases for the product, but the newest version incorporates many updated features and capabilities that take advantage of COBOL V6.X and z/OS 2.4. When implemented, this program delivers the most advanced COBOL Analytics and Documentation capability in Marble Computer’s 39-year history.

Digital Documentation Output

Control/DCD now offers the Digital Documentation Manual (DDM) as an alternative output format. The manual is created on the mainframe and transferred to the PC via FTP in PDF format”. This output is usable in any PDF reader product on any computing platform. The DDM is a complete English-like translation of the COBOL program available to all developers in a collaborative development environment.

How The Program Works

Control/DCD creates an ISPF documentation file, an Alternative Compile Listing (ACL) or the Digital Documentation Manual (DDM) for each specific program. A COBOL compile is not required to use Control/DCD’s capability.

Gain the Benefits of Control/DCD by Choosing Marble Computer

The benefits that accompany Control/DCD are vast. This pre-compiler adds an Intelligent COBOL Analytical capability to any legacy modernization project. The system also produces a COBOL Digital Documentation Manual via PDF format for transferring to a PC or to a documentation library. This system is manufactured with a simple command structure with the addition of one character (An & character). This character is added to the find command that works with a program’s data names, paragraph names, thus, the adoption rate is fast and efficient. 

What also makes Control/DCD so effective is that it requires very little training. Application productivity is dramatically increased from the time the code is opened for remediation until it’s ready for alpha and beta testing. Management statistics are also produced so that the final code changes can be analyzed as to the quality of the program. Project management is now able to deliver projects on time and under budget. A better code calls for fewer job failures which create better utilization of the production environment. Life is automatically made easier for job schedulers and those that support job scheduling systems. Keep your systems updated, efficient, and convenient by contacting Marble Computer today

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